Yaangna Vive!


Yaangna Vive! (altar) was installed for the City of Glendale’s 2019 Día de los Muertos celebration at the Glendale Library. It was created by Joel Garcia, Tongva artists Kelly Caballero, and River Tikwi Garza in honor of their families and all Tongva relatives. The altar was composed of California native plants as-well-as our four-legged relatives the black bear, coyote, deer, big-horn sheep, abalone and red tail hawk.

This project was supported by the Glendale Arts and Culture Commission,
Glendale Library, Arts & Culture, Glendale Latino Association


The ocean is my religion
Eulogize the one true mother
Sculptor of stones and of hearts
Giver of life, guardian of wayward souls
Born of immaculate conception
I swim in the sanctuary of creation
The water redeems, the salt purifies
I am anointed by ocean mist
I am devoted to the mercurial current that giveth and taketh
We must give thanks...
I kneel before hallowed waves
I pray for peace on earth and peace within
The ocean accepts

This is what I said when the priest told me I had to pray like a good catholic girl. 

Kelly Caballero
